So up here in Canada, there is a federal election upon us, with the attack ads and smear campaigns in full swing parallel to the normal campaigns. You'll hear about the votes that are being targeted, such as the women's vote, the ethnic vote, the seniors vote. Unfortunately, the folks who come in at 18-25 years old, and even 18-34 years old, end up getting the short shrift. Why? Because they consistently have the worst voter turnout of any group in any election, pretty much ever.
And now, here come the numbers.
In the 2008 election, the 18-24 bracket came in with a paltry 37.4% voter turnout. The 25-34 bracket came in at a slightly better, but still rather weak, 48%. However, the senior vote was far stronger as a percentage, with the 65-74 checking in at 68.4%, and the 75+ at 67.3% [1]. In Ontario, the disparity gets steadily worse: 18-24 year olds come out at a turnout below the national average for the age bracket, at a rate of just 34.1%. Seniors come in at higher than the national average in Ontario, with 65-74 year olds at 68.9%, and 75+ at 71.7%. [2] More galling to me, however, is the voter apathy that's seem to have hit the entire country. Only 58.8% of registered electors - 56.5% of the voting-age population - came out to vote in the 2008 federal election, the worst turnout in history, and the first time ever that the registered-elector turnout dropped below 60%. [3] (The voting-age turnout dropped below 60% in the 2006 federal election, but registered voters still came out at 60.9%.)
So what's the deal? Is the overall apathy caused by the youth apathy? Could be that's the case, could be the other way around, and effects on voting population are pretty complex beasts. But if we focus on youth, there are more reasons. Lack on interest, don't identify with candidates, don't think the candidates care about the youth vote, the feeling that their vote doesn't matter because the candidate they want has the riding locked up, or that the candidate they want has no hope in hell of winning, and more. As much a chicken-and-egg problem that is, just as much of one is how to increase the youth turnout. Do the candidates need to build their platforms with planks to help the student age population? Or does the student-age population need to make their voices heard to get candidates to adjust to them? I'm not sure which, but largely, this is going to be a plea for the latter. If they aren't listening to you, it might be because you aren't speaking, and you speak to a politician with a ballot.
So here's the central point of my piece, and I apologize for it being not nearly as eloquent or comical as Rick Mercer's take, but here I go anyway. There are somewhere around 2-3 million voters in the 18-24 age bracket, and likely equally as many in the 25-34. Based on the numbers above, I'd suggest that there are probably about three million votes or so that aren't coming out in those brackets right now. You, the youth of Canada, have an opportunity to completely BREAK this election, and make your voices heard. So in the next three weeks, take 10-20 minutes out of your day, read CBC, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, or whatever Canadian news outlet you like, and get informed. They're all on the internet, so no excuses. Find out about the party platforms. Decide what works best for you, or what you think will work best for the country. And then, on May 2nd, after having gotten informed, get out, and get loud. As long as you vote, you count, whether or not your candidate of choice has a chance to win or not. And the more people you convince to vote, the better your chance of being heard.
Vote. Because never has doing something so important been so easy.
1. Elections Canada, Estimation of Voter Turnout by Age Group at the 2008 Federal Election, figure 2, page 6.
2. Elections Canada, Estimation of Voter Turnout by Age Group at the 2008 Federal Election, Table 1, page 68.
3. Elections Canada, Estimation of Voter Turnout by Age Group at the 2008 Federal Election, figure 1, page 5.
Conservative Party of Canada Platform - Detailed .pdf file at bottom of page
Green Party of Canada Platform - Section links at left, link to full .pdf at right
Liberal Party of Canada Platform - Detailed .pdf file at right of page, with section links
New Democratic Party of Canada Platform - Table of contents with links at right; full detailed platform to come
Monday, April 11, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Asshat of the Day - April 6th, 2011

Quelle surprise! Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada!
The Conservative Party have had a reputation for not being friendly to people not connected to the CPC in some way. Over this election campaign however, this has started coming to a head:
On April 4th in Guelph, during a CPC rally, students from the University of Guelph organized a flash mob to let Mr. Harper and the Conservatives know, very simply and positively, "we're voting." The message was positive and non-partisan, and indeed, many of the attendees of the flash mob were planning to attend the event to hear Harper speak. However, those same students were barred entry to the rally, some simply told they weren't on the attendee list or even simply told to leave, despite having pre-registered and even producing the forms saying they had done so. Izzy Hirji was one of those students, and described the events of the day in a facebook post that can be found in the link.
Other incidents include a veteran's advocate in Halifax being ejected, two other members at the Guelph rally being barred entry for having engaged in environmental activism (something that has been anathema to Harper's politics, based on his behaviour at the Copenhagen and Cancun summits), and a man barred from the April 3rd event in London, Ontario for having a bumper sticker that read 'Don't blame me; I voted NDP.'
Perhaps most galling, however, is another ejection from that London event, that of Awish Aslam, a second-year political science student at the University of Western Ontario. Aslam was fortunate enough to have been able to see both NDP leader Jack Layton and Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff in person to speak, and was eagerly looking forward to hearing Mr. Harper as well, before voting in her first federal election. However, during the event, she was approached by an RCMP officer and asked to leave, being told that '[they knew] you have ties to the Liberal party through Facebook'.
If you're going by her Facebook likes, then she has ties to all three of the major parties, Liberal, Conservative, and NDP. Her father, according to articles written on both CBC and the Globe and Mail, state that her father is even a registered Conservative supporter. However, it seems that the key culprit may have been a photo from a Liberal event taken with Mr. Ignatieff.
So why is this such an outrage to me? Well, there are a few reasons. First is that in the last federal election in 2008, voter turnout hit an all-time low of 59.1%. Second is that the youth bracket, ages 18-24, had a turnout of only 37.4%. Third is that the Conservatives have shown contempt for dissenting or opposing ideas (see the Copenhagen fiasco, or the no-confidence vote in the Commons a couple weeks back precipitated by the government being held in contempt of parliament).
More than anything though, is that this was a young voter planning to do her civic duty on May 2nd and voting, and being punished for making a concerted and genuine effort to hear every leader out and cast an informed vote. And this is very likely a large part of the problem; the youth in Canada either don't relate to any of the candidates, or are being actively marginalized by them, and Harper in particular.
So in the weeks leading up to May 2nd, all the youth in Canada need to take ten minutes every day, read a little bit of the news about the election, do some research, and then on election day, get out and vote. There are somewhere between two and three million people between the ages of 18 and 24 that are eligible to vote, and if they all get up and get loud, those two to three million voters have the potential to break this election wide open and their voices can finally be heard. So get up and get loud.
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